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Data | Kraj | Adres | Status |
26.08.2024 09:43 | IT |
In transit EU | |
01.09.2024 09:11 | RU | 102980, Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO |
Processing, Arrival at inward office of exchange |
05.09.2024 07:41 | RU | 102987, Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-EMS |
Import of international mail, Поступило приписано |
07.09.2024 07:28 | RU | 102987, Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-EMS |
Handed over to customs |
07.09.2024 07:28 | RU | 102987, Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-EMS |
Customs clearance, Inspected with technical means of customs control |
07.09.2024 07:28 | RU | 102987, Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-EMS |
Customs clearance, Released by custom house |
08.09.2024 12:51 | RU | 102980, Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO |
Processing, Departure from inward office of exchange |
08.09.2024 12:51 | RU | 102986, Moskva-Vnukovo AOPP MMPO Pi-6 |
Processing, Departure from transit office of exchange |
08.09.2024 13:38 | RU | 102975, MR LC Vnukovo |
Processing, Arrival at inward office of exchange |
09.09.2024 02:47 | RU | 130214, MR LC Vnukovo Cex EMS UO |
Processing, Arrival at transit office of exchange |
09.09.2024 02:47 | RU | 130214, MR LC Vnukovo Cex EMS UO |
Processing, Sorting |
10.09.2024 02:56 | RU | 102975, MR LC Vnukovo |
Processing, Departure from inward office of exchange |
10.09.2024 05:15 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Registration |
10.09.2024 05:15 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Processing, Arrival at delivery office |
10.09.2024 05:15 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Processing, Awaiting courier delivery |
10.09.2024 06:37 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Processing, Handed over to courier (driver) |
10.09.2024 12:31 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Unsuccessful delivery attempt, Addressee requested late delivery |
10.09.2024 12:31 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Изменение (перебронирование) интервала доставки, Перенос по согласованию с клиентом |
11.09.2024 06:11 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Processing, Sorting |
11.09.2024 06:11 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Processing, Awaiting courier delivery |
11.09.2024 10:56 | RU | 143191, Zvenigorod UKD |
Delivery, To the addressee by a courier The delivery is ready for pickup at the post office 143191 Moskovskaya obl, g Odintsovo, g Zvenigorod, ul Pochtovaya, d 23 |